Reasons to protest
Here we have the mais reasons to protest and figth againts the fracking.
1. Methane is a greenhouse gas with a warming potential 86 times higher
than CO2 in the short term, so that in 20 years climate change may exceed that
of coal by 20%.
Firstly, it accelerates climate change because
it produces large emissions of gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and
methane. In addition, the latter is very dangerous for global warming, it is
considered the most dangerous greenhouse gas, even more so than carbon dioxide.
2. Contamination of water, aquifers and nearby wells of nearby populations.
Fracking heavily contaminates water in two main
because in order for the water to break down the oil-bearing rocks, many
chemicals mixed with sand must be added. So, the amount of water that is
between 2.5 and 7.5 million liters of water is wasted because it is
contaminated and this is very important for the populations that need water.
when this water comes to the surface, it filters and contaminates the water
wells that feed the nearest citizens, and the same happens with the subway
3. Thirdly, the fracking technique also causes great effects on the health
of the populations living near where it is practiced.
Experts say that 80% of the substances used and
produced cause cancer, mutations, cause allergies and affect the nervous
system. In fact, the wells mentioned
above that hydrate the population have high levels of methane and carcinogenic
and neurotoxic substances. Also, the accidents that can occur in the workers of
the oil industries that use this technique.
4. Fourthly, fracking will produce more earthquakes near the areas where
the extraction takes place.
Geological faults can cause accidents, damage
to other people's property and businesses, so the more fracking is practiced,
the worse it will be for the citizens.
Finally, it is well known that fracking brings
great economic income, that is, it is very beneficial for the economy. But, it
is much worse for our planet, yet the Colombian government has focused more on
this practice, and has neglected other areas that can give much production such
as agribusiness, biodiversity, agriculture, and for this it must have basic resources
such as water and land.
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